
Animal Care
Animal Care Volunteers are asked to commit to coming to the rehab center for at least one four hour shift at a regular time each week, e.g. from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Wednesdays. These volunteers work with our rehab. staff and interns to prepare foods and formulas, feed a range of different types of animals, clean cages and care facilities, set up outdoor cages for animals, help with occasional rescues and take part in releasing animals back into the wild. No previous experience of wildlife rehab. is required. New volunteers receive an orientation and “hands-on” training in diets, feeding techniques etc.
Assessment and Transportation Volunteers
Due to our location on San Juan Island, our staff is not able to quickly respond to animal calls on other islands and the mainland, so we have a network of volunteers who help by assessing the condition of animals, catching them if necessary and transporting them to Wolf Hollow. Some of these volunteers deal directly with the animals, while others are pilots or boat owners who are willing to transport animals to or from San Juan Island.
Education Volunteers
Education volunteers help the Education Coordinator with everything from event planning, manning informational booths, assisting with presentations, designing education materials, and executing fun and creative ways to teach the public about wildlife. Email education@wolfhollowwildlife.org to get involved!
Fund Raising Events
Wolf Hollow holds a number of fundraising events each year, including our annual auction. Volunteers help organize for these important events and are critical for their success.
If you have other skills or talents that you think might be helpful to our work, please contact us. We would be happy to discuss ideas with you. These include, but are not limited to: graphic design, administrative support, social media and outreach, photography, outdoor maintenance, mowing, construction, etc.