Meet Our Seasonal Rehabber and Interns 2022
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Our Seasonal Wildlife Rehabilitator this summer is Rachael Harmon. Rachael was an intern with us last summer and returned this year to continue gaining experience of wildlife rehabilitation. She graduated from Western Washington University in June 2021 with a degree in Environmental Science and a minor in Music. Rachael is looking forward to spending the summer training new interns and working with rehab staff to learn new animal care skills.

In early May we welcomed Paige Myers as our first rehab intern of 2022. Paige’s hometown is Shepherd, MI, and she is currently pursuing a degree in Biology, with an emphasis in Zoology, at Northern Michigan University. Her animal care experience includes caring for a range of family pets, volunteering at animal shelters and fostering cats and dogs. Her dream career is to help save endangered species through rescue and rehabilitation, so she is hoping her internship at Wolf Hollow will provide hands-on experience of wildlife care and a better understanding of what is involved in this field.

In mid-May, Alena Kimball joined us as our second rehab intern of 2022. She lives in Salt Lake City and is currently working towards a degree in Animal Dairy Veterinary Sciences at Utah State University. She has a wide range of animal care experience including working with farm animals and dogs, volunteering at an animal shelter and as an animal husbandry technician at a lab. Alena is eager to expand her animal care experience by working with wildlife and find out how this differs from her previous experience with domestic animals. The skills and knowledge she gains during her internship at Wolf Hollow will help her explore animal care career possibilities in the future.

Our third intern of 2022 is Sarah Corneck who travelled all the way from Westport CT to join us at the end of May. Sarah is currently in the pre-vet program at Cornell University. Her experience with animals includes caring for farm animals, socializing guide dog puppies, caring for horses during an equestrian internship and taking part in the raptor program at Cornell. Working with these raptors ignited a passion to specialize in wild animal medicine, so her internship at Wolf Hollow will be another step in that direction.

Katherine Glenn joined us in mid-June, as our fourth intern of 2022. She is currently majoring in animal science on a pre-vet track, with a minor in wildlife biology, at the University of Vermont. In addition to her university courses, she has also gained experience as a volunteer at a wildlife rehab center and as an animal care intern at a science education center. Katherine’s goal is to become a wildlife veterinarian, so she is looking forward to having the opportunity to work hands-on with wildlife and learn about methods used to treat the wide range of wild species cared for at Wolf Hollow.

Ava Troy joined our team in early July, as our 5th intern of the year. She grew up in Salmon ID and has just graduated from the University of Montana with a degree in Biology, with a minor in Communication. Living on a small family farm, she gained lots of experience raising and caring for a wide range of farm animals and family pets. She has also volunteered at a vet clinic and for state Fish and Game Departments over the years. Ava’s life has always revolved around animals, and she loves the outdoors, so she has dreamed of becoming a wildlife rehabilitator. Her internship at Wolf Hollow will give her the opportunity to take one step closer to making that a reality.

Collette Webb arrived in late July, as our 6th intern of the year. Her home is in Fort Collins, CO, but she is currently working towards a degree in Environmental Science at Western Washington University. Her animal care experience ranges for riding horses and looking after cows, chickens and pigs, to volunteering at a cat rescue, working at a doggy day care and gaining her veterinary assistant certification. Ever since elementary school, Collette’s goal has been to work in wildlife conservation and research, so she is eager to gain experience and learn skills that will help prepare her for this work.

Our 7th intern of 2022 is Kaley Evans. She is originally from Florida but spent the past few years in Virginia before moving to Whidbey Island, WA this summer. In May, she graduated from Old Dominion University with a degree in Communication, with a focus on Public Relations and Advocacy, and a minor in Biology. Her experience with wildlife includes working at a state park where she learned how to care for the resident reptiles used in the education program. Her dream is to become an advocate for wildlife and conservation. Kaley plans to open her own wildlife rehabilitation center in the future, so her internship at Wolf Hollow will provide the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in animal care and knowledge of how a wildlife rehab center is run.

Our final intern this year is Emree Whipple, who arrived at Wolf Hollow in late August and will be with us through till late October. Emree is from Olympia WA, and recently graduated from Western Washington University with a degree in Biology, with an Ecology, Evolution and Organismal emphasis. She has experience caring for a range of pets and domestic animals including cats, dogs, chickens and lizards, and volunteered at an animal shelter. Her career ambition is to work with wild animals, either in rehabilitation or in a zoo setting, so she is hoping to gain experience working with a range of wildlife and learn new skills that will be useful in her future career.