Facilities Improvement Projects this Winter

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This winter, while we have few animals in care, our Facilities Manager, Mark Billington, and volunteer Jerry McElyea, are  hard at work rebuilding some of our older enclosures. Wet weather and constant use had taken their toll on wood and netting, so the enclosures needed to be replaced.

Raptor Mews

In our woodland area we have three raptor mews that provide housing for small owls, or initial outdoor accommodation for larger birds of prey before they are ready to move into larger enclosures. Thanks to funds provided as a result of San Juan Community Foundation’s matching gift program at San Juan County Fair, we are able to replace these three enclosures this winter.




Waterfowl Decking

Thanks to a Wildlife Rehab Grant provided by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, we are in the process of building a raised deck for the waterfowl tubs where we raise ducklings each summer.





Songbird Aviaries

We provide care for large numbers of songbirds each year, and house them in 4 aviaries located in woodland clearings. In 2016 we replaced one of our old songbird aviaries and are currently dismantling a second aviary, with the aim of replacing it before spring. This work was made possible by a generous donation in memory of Raymond Van Buskirk.

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